Silvia - un miracol

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    The Gift of Life
Healers - People that heal
Silvia Teodorescu treats only in the last three days of the week at the following address: str. Bogdan Dragos nr.86, Roman. Appointments are made at phone: 00 40 033 724027. 
The rest of the week,  she goes to Iassy to recover after the intense efforts she makes, where, for her great satisfaction, her children are all grown up: Lia is a law teacher and Ramon a music professor. The pillars of her life, her children and the healing gift, helped Silvia to rediscover the joy of living and her spiritually satisfaction
In Silvia's modest house come ill people from all the country, trying to find here their final chance to defeat their disease. It is amazing that although medicine doctors are generally sceptic concerning this type of treatment, among Silvia's patients we can found even doctors.

  It was possible to successfully treat diseases as follow:

limfoblastic leukemia
lupus eritematos
Hotkins with mixed cellularity
prostate cancer of IVth degree
*acromegalie hipofizara*
skin diseases
*ciroze hepatice*
*cancer mamar in metastaza*
heart and blood diseases
height growings
beautying and wrinkle disappearance
overweight sliming
*degenerescenta juvenila maculara (ochi)*
eyes affections

Self healing is benefic even for healthy people but who are tired, who need to be in shape, as following: sporstmen, artists, students, old people.
Romana | English

 Silvia Teodorescu    

Therapeutic Healer

Loc. Roman, jud.  Neamt, str. Bogdan Dragos, nr. 86

Telephone  0040 33 72.40.27

Mobile :095 919083

  more about Silvia
The book "Silvia" by Aurel Bruma, published in 1992 :
front si back
Silvia proves her gift :
... in sprijinul teoriei sale legate de regenerarea structurii ADN
  Movies from National Television with Silvia
a miracle - the movie
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