Silvia - a miracle

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    The Gift of Life
Unique experiment: DNA therapy starting human cell self regeneration and recreation of the immunity table, tissues regeneration, making look younger, being proved even from the first therapy meeting by hair colour darkening, this as an explanation for the begining of curing the human body after being atacked by cancer, etc., elimination of different diseases and tumors from the human body, etc., with medical consulting before and after the treatment.:
  It was possible to successfully treat diseases as follow:

limfoblastic leukemia
lupus eritematos
Hotkins with mixed cellularity
prostate cancer of IVth degree
*acromegalie hipofizara*
skin diseases
*ciroze hepatice*
*cancer mamar in metastaza*
heart and blood diseases
height growings
beautying and wrinkle disappearance
overweight sliming
*degenerescenta juvenila maculara (ochi)*
eyes affections

Self healing is benefic even for healthy people but who are tired, who need to be in shape, as following: sporstmen, artists, students, old people.
Romana | English

 Silvia Teodorescu    

Therapeutic Healer

Loc. Roman, jud.  Neamt, str. Bogdan Dragos, nr. 86

Telephone  0040 33 72.40.27

Mobile :095 919083

  more about Silvia
The book "Silvia" by Aurel Bruma, published in 1992 :
front si back
Silvia proves her gift :
... in sprijinul teoriei sale legate de regenerarea structurii ADN
  Movies from National Television with Silvia
a miracle - the movie
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