Silvia - un miracol

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The book - Silvia

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  It was possible to successfully treat diseases as follow:

limfoblastic leukemia
lupus eritematos
Hotkins with mixed cellularity
prostate cancer of IVth degree
*acromegalie hipofizara*
skin diseases
*ciroze hepatice*
*cancer mamar in metastaza*
heart and blood diseases
height growings
beautying and wrinkle disappearance
overweight sliming
*degenerescenta juvenila maculara (ochi)*
eyes affections

Self healing is benefic even for healthy people but who are tired, who need to be in shape, as following: sporstmen, artists, students, old people.
Romana | English

 Silvia Teodorescu    

Therapeutic Healer

Loc. Roman, jud.  Neamt, str. Bogdan Dragos, nr. 86

Telephone  0040 33 72.40.27

Mobile :095 919083

  more about Silvia
The book "Silvia" by Aurel Bruma, published in 1992 :
front si back
Silvia proves her gift :
... in sprijinul teoriei sale legate de regenerarea structurii ADN
  Movies from National Television with Silvia
a miracle - the movie
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