Silvia - un miracol

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    The Gift of Life
Nine years ago, Silvia Teodorescu experienced, with great fear and excitement, something totally special. She returned home late in the night, after a long and tiring trip in the Anina Mountains. When she entered the room, from dark to light, she was amazed seeing her hands bones as being under X-rays. She was very frightened and she went imediately to a doctor. The verdict, that she will become blind in two years, terrified her. At that time, Silvia seemed to be hopeless. Her husband, a zootechnic engineer in the "Mihai Viteazul" village, died 10 years ago, making from her a widow at only 29 years old, with two children to grow: Lia and Ramon. In order to get all the necessary things  to live, she was working very hard. Excepting her participation as a vocal solist in many concerts, Silvia - musical school graduate - was giving piano lessons and painting. What will happen with her children it the doctor was right? Silivia was wondering. But what happened to her was a true miracle. And that's because "instead of becoming blind, God gave me the light" - she said -, being endowed with the gift of healing other people. Her friend who visited her, trying to comfort her, found out that sitting a longer time around her, were feeling better and even were healing some diseases. By doin massage to them, she amazingly found out that she can help them healing. By concentrating, by the power of her looks and her hands, she started to feel other peoples pain, "to see", the anomalies that affect the internal organs, because of her exceptional paranormal abilities. In order to understand what she was feeling, she studied, by herself, human anatomy, using this way her wonderful abilities to help people dispute their illness.. Since 1990, she dedicated herself excusively to this activity, setting up the "Silvia" company, authorized for "medical massage".
        In the beginings, in order to be sure that what she "sees" is correct and that the ill people were having a good evolution, she was using the X-ray exam in some phases of her patients curing. Not even Silvia knew that time how much and what she can cure and were was the end of her miracle forces. She cures mostly traditional incurable people, especially cancer, people who can't be helped by the traditional medicine, and she realised miraculous healings. The domain of the affections Silvia can treat is very large: * acromegalie, scleroza in placi, distrofie musculara, hipoacuzie, sindrom nevrotic, epilepsie, Parkinson, piatra la rinichi, hepatita cronica, boli de piele (psoriazis), ulcer (inclusiv cu nise) * . She cures by an intense concetration and very exhausting. Those moments, especially when in very difficult situations, her blood presure goes very high (in a cancer treatment, her blood presure is 24/13), herself being exposed to a vascular accident. Once the treatment stopped her blood presure regains normal limits, but her hands turn blue.
        How can she heal? "I feel like I entered in a live transmission with the ill person, like a life transfer from me to him. When I tell him that he will take out something black, something ugly, it means that I worked on a tumor. At the second meeting the elimination process is happening, and my "X-rays" tell me that there are some tiny holes in which the tumor can be caught. Bat even these will disappear, thing that is precisely demonstrated by the classic radiology".
        In Silvia's modest house come ill people from all the country, trying to find here their final chance to defeat their disease. It is amazing that although medicine doctors are generally sceptic concerning this type of treatment, among Silvia's patients we can found even doctors. The yound doctor, Daniela Berlea, from Iasi, was operated in december 1992 for astrocitomis. After some time, her disease returned, and she took 14 radiotherapy sessions, from whom she was left with total baldness. Being convinced that she had tried everything possible in the world, she decided to try Silvia's treatment. After two months - a session at two weeks -  appeared signs of her healing; her hair began to grow, sign that Silvia was excited to appear. In this case, it is known that the patients' body reacts at her treatment or that he can be healed. Amazing: although, before her baldness, Daniel Berlea had a blonde straight hair, the one who growned was dark and curly! After this, Daniela got back her food mood and she started to gain in weight, weight that was very low because of the disease. This doctor was healed and she returned to her work.
        Silvia cooperated with doctor Ioan Tepordei for a long time: after she was doing her patients paradiagnosis, the doctor was doing the anamensis and he was watching the evolution of the treatment. The doctor came first to Silvia as a pacient, too. He was suffering by an advanced ulcer, by biliar diskinesis and he was in great pains. She healed him in 5 sessions, his white hair gain in colour, confirming revitalisation of the entire body. Doctor Tepordei, passioned of paranormal activities, was amazed of Silvia's "laser like power", the cooperation period allowing him to observe other interesting things.
        Justina Lupascu, from Piatra Neamt, was totured by the disease she had since 1988, when she was in the tenth grade. Her sufferings started with an overreacted sensitivity, coldness, repeated and acute tonsilisis. She consulted a lot of doctors, but she couldn't find out the cause of her pains. Her health condition was getting more and more worse, she was always feeling tired, oftenly acusing pains all over her body. In 1993 the main disease started: the appearance of pain ganglions. At the Fundeni Hospital, the diagnostic was: "Hotkins sindrome, with mixed cellularity, stage III B". She follows and intese treatment with citostatics, antibiotics and other medicines, but her disease was not over. The doctors forbidden her physical ant intelctual effort. Because of the citostatics, half of her hair has fallen. After the first sessions she made with Silvia, her hair falling instantly stoped, its regenerations started, while her health condition was getting considerably better. After every meeting, she gives out some ugly smelling substances. Being recovered, the young girl returned to her studies, and now she is a student in the second year at the Psichology and Social Assistance Faculty.
        Catalina Maier (47 years old) from Tusnad, Satu Mare, mother of 4 children, was being considered a limit case: her head tumor, at the posterior fosis (a malformation 4-5 cm large in diameter, discovered at the CAT  she made at Regional Hospital in Cluj), that was determining balance disturbings, cefalee, sickenings, bilatheral hipoacusis. She was recomended an urgent operation, but she refused. The doctors estimated her living for 2 more weeks. But... Silvia was healing her. Marius Chisavu, an engineer from Horezu (Valcea), has been operated of cancer at the Fundeni Hospital, in January 1993. The disease returned, there was a tumor at the urinary bladder, but he refused another surgery intervention. He started the treatment with Silvia the last autumn. And he got cured. He got away of total baldness, regenerating his hair. Ana Cosma (43 years old), a teacher from Piatra Neamt, with plates sclerosis, came supported. Being healed, she walks now by her own; her appetite came back and she got rid of the nightmare of walking in a truck for the rest of her life. Argentina Davidescu from Focsani, tried for years a lot of hospitals, hoping in the healing of her daughter Adina (13 ani), who was suffering of hidroencephalopathy. The doctors promised her only getting better, but never the healing. Silvia helped her to get out from the illness. Maria Cristescu (46 years old) from Piatra Neamt, suffering of neoplasm with pulmonar metastasis was being healed after 6 sessions. A brother-in-law, a priest, prepared for himself coffin, considering the doctors opinion.
        Silvia Teodorescu treats only in the last three days of the week at the following address: str. Bogdan Dragos nr.86, Roman. Appointments are made at phone: 00 40 033 724027. The rest of the week,  she goes to Iassy to recover after the intense efforts she makes, where, for her great satisfaction, her children are students: Lia at "Law" and Ramon at the "Art Academy". The pillars of her life, her children and the healing gift, helped Silvia to rediscover the joy of living and her spiritually satisfaction

  It was possible to successfully treat diseases as follow:

limfoblastic leukemia
lupus eritematos
Hotkins with mixed cellularity
prostate cancer of IVth degree
*acromegalie hipofizara*
skin diseases
*ciroze hepatice*
*cancer mamar in metastaza*
heart and blood diseases
height growings
beautying and wrinkle disappearance
overweight sliming
*degenerescenta juvenila maculara (ochi)*
eyes affections

Self healing is benefic even for healthy people but who are tired, who need to be in shape, as following: sporstmen, artists, students, old people.
Romana | English

 Silvia Teodorescu    

Therapeutic Healer

Loc. Roman, jud.  Neamt, str. Bogdan Dragos, nr. 86

Telephone  0040 33 72.40.27

Mobile :095 919083

  more about Silvia
The book "Silvia" by Aurel Bruma, published in 1992 :
front si back
Silvia proves her gift :
... in sprijinul teoriei sale legate de regenerarea structurii ADN
  Movies from National Television with Silvia
a miracle - the movie
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